Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Relationships And Strategy

When you are experiencing professional or personal relationship issues, you do suffer stress and stress related symptoms. Even though you may think that being a personal issue experienced at home, it will not or does not affect you, you are mistaken. The thing with stress is, you cannot see, or on the surface, know you are under stress, but over time your productivity and inter-personal relations do suffer.

In fact, personal relational issues affect you way more than you ever anticipate. Your productivity and efficiency declines on a sliding scale as the issue drags on. Unfortunately, management often do not recognise the impact these  inter-personal issues can have on their workforce. And then, ultimately, on their quality of production.

Whole individuals make up whole orgaisations.
You are the hands and feet of your oganisation, the extention of what it is to the customer. Your wholeness and contentment as a human being are essential to the companies ability to produce and deliver a quality service or product.

When you are constantly trying to manage your affairs from a crisis management mindset, your ability to invest your resources in the right places at the right time for the right people is severely restricted. Personal management is about efficiency and production, but personal leadership is about  vision and purpose;heading in the right direction.

Strategic personal leadership involves establishing a why and a what and a how for your personal life. It takes the time to understand and listen to the various stakeholders in your life, personal and professional. It makes the necessary emotional investments that ensure total quality in your relationships. Strategic personal leadership evaluates where it is, what it has, and what is required, and then delivers in a sense, what is required.

At times, as an individual, you can be so successful at your career and accomplished at your various roles outside your personal roles, but yet be slowly experiencing a depleting of quality wholeness in your personal life and relationships. In my experience its only when the symptoms become critical do the individuals take note and then wonder why things went wrong.

The experts say that the symptoms of cancer only manifest 6 years after the cancer formed.  What is forming under the ‘skin’ of your personal life that you are not aware of due to not making the correct investments in your personal relationships.

Strategic personal planning should involve not just a bunch of goals but an accountable consideration of every facet of your life, building with the correct focus and the correct elements. It is purposefully planning the wholeness that ensures continuous improvement of your personal life.

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