Your personal strategy plan and stretch for the future needs to be built on a solid foundation.
Many want an easy fix to success and overcoming failure by setting some goals and laying out some activities and then hope it all works.
But a strategic plan for your life or areas of your life requires time spent on your foundation. It’s not just about the skill of setting some goals but of establishing the why and then the how of moving forward.
We get taught the skill of goal setting but someone needs to begin by assisting you to discover what it is that motivates and drives you; what frustrates or keeps in peace. Internally we have a range of beliefs that have been ‘written’ and deposited there over the formative years of our lives that determine the way we choose to perceive the world we live in.
Until these written deposits are discovered, uncovered and clarified you may build your personal plan on a very shaky foundation. Choosing a direction without knowing if that is your determined purpose will frustrate you and you will end up ‘quitting’ on your crusade to reaching your full potential.
These internal deposits are called your value or belief system, and made need adjusting but definitely will need to be the inspiration behind your personal strategic plan for your life.
Organisations and companies need to start at their values as an organisation to establish their way forward with a strategic plan. Then it stands to reason that every individual including you, has a clear set of internal deposits written on the mind and emotions that many times we are not aware of that have to be the determined foundation for our personal strategy for your life.
Personally they are so internalised and most often unknown, but yet they affect our thinking, our habits and our behaviours every day. They influence the internal motivations that we experience and can either contribute to our goals and action plans or frustrate them. If we are not aware of what internal values are we could be choosing goals that in fact do not align with what we deeply hold as important or what we deeply resent.
Maybe you internally fear rejection but you r goals and action plan of your personal strategic plan require you to meet new people and you anticipate being rejected, your motivation for this goal will constantly frustrate you and will sense a hindrance in moving forward. You will not know why but it will be there, causing panic sweats at night and a knot in the stomach every time you think about attempting to take action in that direction.
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