For many years I have counselled and assisted people and couples with relationship issues and planning for their future.
Most of these occasions the ‘counselling’ had to be delivered into a crisis situation where the decisions were to be make or break with the outcomes to be negotiated on how the individual felt at that point. The thing with crisis management and counselling is that you do not have time to correct and bring about a process of change that will be suitable for the situation.
Many marriage situations that I would have to deal with would be in crisis simply because the individuals involved had left the mistakes, the failures, without correcting them; the needed deposits to build trust and mutual respect out of the every day actions of their marriage; by the time they reached me, they would be in such dire straits that emergency corrective action would be necessary.
Individuals that would be starting a business would discover that they weren’t properly equipped or had no idea where to begin. Often I would be approached to assist when a career had stale-mated and there was no where to go and now rash decisions were being made to correct the situation.
Too often we leave our lives to ‘chance’ hoping that everything just works out in time. If businesses were to be run this way, well nobody would be making money.
What if your personal life were a business, would you be profitable?
Without a strategic plan for your personal leadership of your life, you tend to live in crisis management and unable to ever reach your full potential. You will be living with “if only I had...” and “I wish I had...” , but you can and should take charge of your life right now; whether young or old.
How do you do that?
By taking time to carefully master the areas of your life with a strategic plan.
Most everyone has a wish or a dream for their life but just do not know where to start or how to implement it. We tend to have a fatalistic concept to life, living without hope and without a determined direction or purpose. Somehow, the programmes that have been written on our lives and hearts tell us that our family, our friends and others couldn’t, so we cannot.
Those that do make it are just ‘lucky’, but when you ask the ‘lucky’ ones, they will tell you that the more they planned and took positive action steps the 'luckier' they got.
You have the power of your future in your own hands.
Every single individual needs to start with their own personal leadership of their lives.
Leadership requires a strategy to be successful and influential.
As an individual you need to become strategic in your thinking and in your choices and decisions.
Every action you take moves you either further from or closer to your desired outcomes. Leadership doesn’t start at work or in sport, but within you. Your strategic plan doesn’t start with your business but within you.
External leadership can only reach its full potential when you as an individual can take leadership of your personal life. This is effected by a personal strategic plan that will give you the tools to take charge of the various areas of your personal life and relationships.